This is where you can find all of the abilities.
Abilities learned in the Next Dimension:
Spirit Bomb-Takes 1 week to learn. D:30,000 E:10,000
Kao-Ken- Takes 1 week to learn. D:0 E:500 Triples all attacks damage for 3 turns.
Abilities Learned on Namek:
Namek Language- takes 1 day to learn
Nameks Only- Regeneration- Takes 1 week to learn D:0 E: 1,000 Can regenerate limbs such as arms and legs.
Ablilties Learned on Freeza:
Energy Disks- takes 1 week to learn D:5,000 E: 2,000 Can completely kill another character or just chop off a limb
Abilities Learned on Planet of the Kai's:
Dragon Fist: takes 1 week to learn D:100,000 E:50,000
Fusion: takes 1 week to learn-fuses 2 people together to make them stronger D:0 E:0
Abilities Learned on Vegeta:
Saiyans only- controlled Oozaru takes 1 week to learn D:0 E:500 3x all stats until tail is cut off
Saiyans-only- Powerball takes 1 day to learn D:0 E:250. enables you to go oozaru.
Abilities Learned on Yardrat:
Instant Transmission: instantly warps you anywhere. takes 1 week to learn. D:0 E:500
Abilities learned anywhere:
Renzoku Energy Dan :rapid ki blasts something like a machine gun. takes 6 days to learn D:17,500 E: 8,750
Cyclone Kamehameha: 2 kamehameha's twisting together. takes 1 week to learn D:50,000
X Buster: 3 ki shots followed by 1 huge one. Takes 1 week to learn D: 19,000 E: 7,500
Ki Shot: already know D:500 E: 200
Kamehameha: Takes 6 days to learn D: 5,000 E: 250
Solar Flare: blinds opponent for 4 turns. takes 4 days to learn D:0 E:400
Tri-form: splits your body into 3 people for 5 turns. takes 6 days to learn D: 0 E: 700
Tri-beam: Hands make a triangle form and a huge blast comes out. takes 5 days to learn D:7,000 E: 500
Big Bang Attack: takes 6 days to learn D:4,000 E:300
Special Beam Cannon: takes 6 days to learn D:6,000 500
Mouth Blast: Takes 6 days to learn D:2,000 E:100
Destructo Disk: takes 6 days to learn D:7,500 E:550
Bargo: takes 5 days to learn D:6,500 E:400
Masenko: takes 1 week to learn D:18,000 E:4,000
Final Flash: takes 1 week to learn D:19,000 E:5,000
Self Destruct: takes 6 days to learn D: kills both E: all (Can only be dodged)
Kikoho: takes 6 days to learn D:11,000 E:2,400
Galeck Gun: takes 5 days to learn D:8,000 E:2,500
Time Freeze: takes 6 days to learn D:0 E:1,000 freezes opponent for 4 turns (can only be dodged)
Body Change: takes 1 week to learn D:0 E:10,000 swithches body's with opponent for 15 turns
Crasher ball: takes 5 days to learn D:4,500 E: 900
Purple Spiral Flash attack: takes 5 days to learn D:6,000 E:2,000
Chou Kamehameha: takes 6 days to learn D:15,000 E:7,000
Super Ghost Kamekaze Attack: Makes a clone of your body in a ghost form and explodes once it touches your opponent D:50,000 E: 25,000 takes 2 weeks to learn.
Flash Bomb: Lots of Ki shots fire out from fingertips that cause lots of damage and destruction D:75,000 E: 50,000 takes 2 weeks to learn.
All transformations take 1 day to learn. It takes 500 energy to transform into any state. Each transformation lasts 20 turns. You have to learn each one in order. In order to learn the transformation you have to have the PL.
Super Saiyan Levels (saiyans only)
SS1: PL: 500,000
USS: PL: 700,000 (big bulky form)
SS2: PL: 1,000,000
SS3: PL: 2,000,000
SS4: PL: 5,000,000
For Frieza, Kooler, and King Kold
Transformation 1: 500,000
Transformation 2: 1,000,000
Transformation 3: 1,500,000
Transformation 4: 3,000,000
For Buu's
EBuu: 1,500,000
SBuu: 5,000,000
For Cell
Imprfect Cell 3,000,000
Perfect Cell: 5,000,000
For Androids:
Super Android 5,500,000
For Nameks
Super Namek: 1,500,000
For Humans and other
PL boost1 1,500,000
PL boost2 3,000,000
PL boost3 10,000,000