Here are the rules for the site:
1. No more than one character per person. If i find that you are controlling more than one character i will delete you from the site.
2. Try to keep the update e-mails to 1 or 2 per day. I am a busy person and will not always be able to get to each and every e-mail especially if i have a ton of homework.
3. You have to e-mail me ( your updates in order for your character to get any better. E-mail me and tell me that you wanna train and with whom, what move you wanna learn, if you want to travel to another planet, if you want to fight someone, if you want to join the tournament, if you want to fight the saga, or search for the dragonballs.
4. Please dont send me e-mails to bitch about another person, if you have a problem with them let them know.
5. Try to have fun with this, thats what its supposed to be fun!